Tel: 07377 874289

Bark and Whiskers on TUFT

The most common question that we are asked as groomers is "why does my dog or cats haircut cost more than my own?" There is good reason why the price maybe more expensive than having your own haircut, firstly the dog or cat will be moving around making life slightly harder for the groomer but neither the less the groomers persist to get the job done. Also many dogs and cats will try and bite the groomer as having a stranger washing and cutting your hair is never an everyday occurrence, so the groomers have to take the risk of being bitten into account with every groom. The groomers also have to have extensive knowledge of how to groom the dogs and cats as they are not just doing a simple haircut, they will be working in very delicate places of the dogs and cats in their care. Hairdressers and barbers do not have to deal with things like this thus this could be the reason for the slightly higher price of haircut in comparison to your own.

All breeds of dogs and cats have a breed standard trim that people expect to see on that certain breed, the exception to this rule is mixed breed dogs and cats as they will not have a breed standard trim. If you do not want to go with the breed standard trim, our experienced groomers will be happy to try and get the perfect hair cut for you. Our experienced team have worked with all types of breeds of dogs and cats and will do everything to make your pets look the best they possibly can.

All breeds of dogs and cats have different coat types so they will take different times to groom. For example, if you have a Yorkshire terrier with a short coat that is having a short haircut they will take approximately 15-20 minutes to dry completely, but on the other hand a breed like a poodle will take around 40-90 minutes to completely dry. This is due to having a longer, denser coat. The drying time all depends on the coats length and density, a short haired low density coat will be quicker to dry than a longer, denser coat. All breeds are different and will react to grooming in all manners of ways. Some dogs are extremely chilled out and relaxed during the whole grooming process while others can get stressed. All drying times are estimated because if the dog doesn't like the high velocity dryers that we use we have to switch to a much quieter dryer for the dog’s benefit. This is to keep them more relaxed but will increase drying time as the dryers strength is not as great but will still give as good results.

All dogs and cats need regular grooming to keep their coats in the best shape they possibly can, also with regular trips to the groomers they will build confidence. Our groomers are not just there to groom your pets and take your money they will always be checking for changes in your pets’ coats, skin and also behaviours that you might not have noticed yourself. They are all trained to spot signs of infections, ticks and fleas etc. The groomers always have their hands on your dog’s so will find any abnormal lumps or bumps early that might have occurred without your knowledge. We will always do the best for your pets and if we find anything out of the ordinary, we will make you aware and insist on getting it checked out, we can be the voice for your dog or cat.




De-Matting a dog can potentially be a very painful process for your pet, the process itself consists of gently pulling a comb or brush through the matted hair to try and ease the matted hair apart. This is like when we get knots in our hair, and we have to brush them out. In the case of a matted dog these knots are all over their body. If your dog is only slightly matted in a few areas, we will do our best to remove the knots with gentle brushing and thinning scissors. However, if your dog is extremely matted this would be an unethical process to put them through, as it would be hours of pulling at their hair trying to de-Matt them. This is not something that we as dog lovers are prepared to do.

The only alternative is to shave your dog to remove the matted hair. This is a much better idea as it wouldn't put any unnecessary stress on the dog. We use the most up to date blades that effortlessly cut under the matted hair, leaving your dog a lot happier, more comfortable and a lot less stressed out. We understand that your dogs’ hair may be shorter than what you wanted, but it would only be for a short period of time as the hair grows back and with regular brushing and grooming the situation could be avoided in the future.

Our groomers are expertly trained to high standards in grooming and dog welfare and wouldn't want to cause your dog any unnecessary stress or discomfort. So, if your groomer says that your dog needs to be shaved due to matting, it's only because they have your dogs’ best interest at heart. no one is judging, it is simply what is best for your dog. Our groomers will be looking out for the dogs’ best interest at all times, and this is a step that is sometimes needed to get the result you are looking for.


When any pet is brought into our salon for any type of groom it is essential that he/she is given a health evaluation.

The following is the essential check list for any pets health check:

  • Eyes should be clear and bright.
  • Nose wet and cold, a hot, dry nose doesn't always mean trouble, but it could be a sign of fever or dehydration.
  • Skin check for any lumps and bumps.
  • Ears clean and smell free.
  • Nails at a manageable length and trimmed if too long.
  • Teeth should be able to give you an idea of the age if not known.
  • Gums should be bubble gum/salmon pink and when pressed gently colour should come back quickly.
